Saturday 7 August 2010

Stress Vaccine is Bad...or is it?

I read a report last weekend about scientists from California developing a vaccine that will reduce ongoing stress. On a simple level, this is how it works. When we are in a stressful situation our fight or flight instinct produces a hormone that helps us deal with the situation. Unlike animals, this hormone will not disappear once the situation has been resolved but will linger to produce toxic chemicals that go straight to the brain and undermine our immune system, contributing to the onset of disease. So, the scientists are working on a vaccine that will neutralise the bad hormones before they can damage the brain. Apparently this is years away but trials have been very effective on rats.

I have a bit of an internal conflict going on about whether this is a good development or not. There are so many “natural” tools to help to reduce stress that I consistently advocate. Yoga, meditation, exercise, having fun with friends, holidays (especially wellbeing escapes)....the list is endless so why can’t people adopt techniques that are proven to enhance wellbeing and reduce illness?...the answer is many people can and do and many people are open to finding out more.

BUT there is still a big chunk of the population who thinks its all a bit mumbo jumbo and prefers to pop a pill or have an injection for instant results. Can we convince those people otherwise?...probably not, so the vaccine can actually have a positive effect on those who wouldn’t use any natural means anyway. I also have a vision of lots of calm, happy people with less aggressive behaviour and more positive vibes. Am I dreaming?...possibly not.

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