Saturday 4 September 2010

Top Natural Muscle Relaxants

During a recent Tui Na (Chinese)Massage, my therapist commented on how tight my muscles are. I thought about what the causes are and I'm sure none are unique to me: tensing up when stressed, high impact cardio exercise, bad posture to name a few. So here are some natural options to relax those muscles when you are feeling the tension.

•Take Magnesium Supplements. A well known muscle relaxant which most of us don’t get enough of in our diets. Highly effective for avoiding aches and pains after exercise. Take before you go to bed to help you sleep.

• Have Hot & Cold Showers. Not something that would immediately come to mind as relaxing but it really does work, especially after exercise. A hot shower will relax the muscle but will also increase inflammation, so follow it immediately by a cold shower that will increase circulation and decrease inflammation. A bit of a shock at first but you get used to it and it’s very exhilarating!

• Try Yin Yoga. Deeply restorative, you hold postures for a long time, stretching and opening your muscles in a very gentle way. A fantastic wind down before bed time. (You will need a bolster) Highly recommend Simon Low’s yin and yang yoga dvd which has a dedicated section.

Good old Massage. All different types are relaxing and will help your muscles soften. Try sports or tui na for a more vigorous massage that will concentrate on specific muscles or Thai Yoga Massage for a nice big stretch!

• Correct your posture. Bad posture is very common caused by muscle inbalance. Certain muscles will have to work harder than others resulting in tension or pain. A good personal trainer will be able to analyse your posture and put you on a regime to help strengthen the weak muscles. Alternatively try the Alexander technique or Pilates.

• Rest. So many of us feel the need to keep going, setting ourselves more goals to achieve. Be gentle on yourself and when you feel tense, sore or tight, get plenty of “me time” to rest and restore your body.


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