Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Wellbeing Escapes Spring into Action

Spring into Action

Spring into Action image

Stop hibernating! It's time to get out into the sunshine and embrace the new energy that comes with the seasonal shift. If like Wellbeing Escapes Spa Holidays, you need a little something to add some extra pazazz to your step then try these super quick energy boosting tips to reawaken your inner zest no matter how busy you are. You go, girl!

Get more ginseng

Ginseng is renowned for having energy boosting properties. It is an adaptogen, a herb which increases the body's ability to adapt to stress and circumstance, so it's great at building resistance to stress and boosting energy. You can take a ginseng supplement but we like sipping Dr Stuart's Triple Ginseng tea, with an extra zing of lemongrass to help see us through the hectic times

Get on your toes and stretch

Office life getting you down? Roll up and down on your toes. You may look funny to your colleagues but this simple move stimulates your circulatory system, delivering much needed oxygen and fuel (glucose) throughout your body. You’ll be more energised and sharper. So get out of your chair and stand up, stretch your arms above your head, breath deeply a few times carefully watching your breath and you'll be amazed by how much sharper you feel.

Rotate probiotic into your diet

Probiotics are great for keeping the digestive system clean, and helps your body absorb all the nutrients from food. That makes you healthier and more energetic. A good probiotic can also support your immune system, helping you fight seasonal colds. We recommend Acidophilus, especially if you're coming off a course of anti-biotics. Live Yoghurts are not always that abundant with live bacteria so it's important to get a good quality supplement. Try Nature's Best, one capsule provides the quantity of bacteria equivalent to 20 pots of yoghurt.

Take a mini-holiday

Take one day and just do whatever you want. No work, no chores, no errands. Enjoy your one full day of holiday, then come back to work more motivated and energetic. On a rare off day we taking ourselves to be pampered at the luxurious Six Senses Pan Peninsula in London. If you're feeling adventurous why not turn a mini holiday into a full one on one of our fitness programmes and really return revitalised!

Drink lots of water

It sounds obvious but it makes a world of difference. Dehydration is a sinister cause of fatigue because it slowly creeps up on you. If you consistently drink less than 8 glasses of water a day, you may feel sluggish all the time. Get a decent water bottle, we like this eco-friendly Britta bottle. Your goal is to polish off 2 of those a day. Try it for a week and see your general energy levels increase.

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